joe ushie poetry prize


1. Entrants must be at least 18 years old at the time of submission

2. They must be Nigerian citizens, and must submit proof of citizenship in the form of their international passport data page or their national identity card alongside their entry

3. The entry must be their original work and must be previously unpublished

4. Poetry of any form and style is accepted, and the prize will be awarded solely on the basis of merit

5. The entries must not exceed 50 lines, and only one entry is permitted per person

6. Family members and close friends of the organisers and judges are unallowed to enter

7. The decision of the judges is final and is not subject to appeal

8. From the second year, no previous entry will be permitted to be reentered, and no previous winner can reenter for the prize

9. The prize may be withheld if the judges deem that none of the entries meets the standard of excellence

10. The Prize money is $500 (USD)

11. Any attempt by any entrant to communicate with the judges or organisers of the prize during the prize cycle will lead to immediate disqualification

12. Only entrants longlisted and subsequently shortlisted for the prize will be contacted

13. Entries must be made to by the deadline (see entries); no late entry will be considered.